Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Representative Politics Today

The system of Representative Government in the United States does not honor God. The compromise of a person’s ideology creates an egocentric instead of a representative of the people. An individual must demoralize in order to win an election. Societies reliance on idolism has build a wall between people and God.
The Republic of the United States is no longer about sustaining freedom of the pursuit of happiness. Everyday we are bombarded with materialistic messages attempting to convert our desires to the pursuit of wealth and fame. The United States is no longer a country of the people, for the people, and by the people, we have become a country of me, myself, and I. Secularism makes it impossible to love. Yahweh calls us to humble, and care about our neighbors as ourselves. Today if we cannot make money from our works then it is not profitable to get to know our neighbors, let alone go out of our way to make sure their basic needs are met. The society of greed has kept us from honoring our Lord with the pursuit of holiness and replaced it with an evil selfishness for our own benefit.
Today the mainstream American knows of the most popular man and woman of the minute, but not of God. Fame is a sought after prize by our culture of naive, un-catechized, ignorant slaves of Lucifer. American politics is the Hollywood for people that cannot make it in entertainment. Instead of people discerning a vocation of service that brings glory to their creator, people choose to go into politics for power and fame. The past as proclaimed by our Apostolic brothers tells us of the danger to our salvation when we venture from the love of the father. The demigods of today need to examine their heart and pray for the will of God. The campaigns of today are for an individual’s glory that benefits no one.
An individual that believes in a society that is Universal, Holy, Apostolic, and One does not have a chance of winning an elected office. Today it is not popular to support life. Women believe that it is their choice whether or not to accept God’s choosing them to be the mother of his creation. A modern secular woman does not think twice about damnation or salvation but whether to kill the life they have been entrusted. In order to be chosen to represent the public a person has to decide that they will not choose God first. They turn to sin by compromising logic over truth. Selfish pursuits of man have long roots, what is planted for individual gain grows out to influence future ideas. The environment of the present can become the culture of a generation. One must end desires of pride in order to build a future prosperous with love.
As our current existence continues to decline it is the few with fear of losing the promises of Christ that will make the difference. When we were born until the time we become dependant of those responsible to raise us to a mature understanding, we do not realize from where we come. Society tells us that we are individuals born from man. We have to realize that we are life given by God. Our life is to honor the Father, through the son. Our reality is to love all that the Father created. Until as a civilization we can end our worship of glorified people in their fifteen minutes of fame, we will never be fishers of men. We have to follow our Shepherd and Lord in order to represent a salvific future for our brothers and sisters.

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